a new chapter

Every new year I reflect on the days gone by and set goals for the days ahead, often referred to as resolutions. This year, no more. I’ve come to realize that by thinking about what is not (ie. what I need to work on or improve) I continue to struggle with keeping up and lose sight of all that already is wonderful in my life. So this year I am starting out not with a long list of what I need to do, but a long list of what I am grateful for, much like what I wrote in my giving thanks post. It certainly helps to step away from the routine of life and look from a distance, as I was able to do during these last few weeks in Florida. This trip meant even more than sacred time with family and friends. It has also allowed me to acknowledge and appreciate all that I have been blessed with in my life.

I believe that each of us is writing the book of our lives. It is mostly up to us what is written upon the pages, and how our unique story unfolds. As I write (and re-read) my own, I am grateful for every chapter and look forward to writing the next.

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  1. Little Pieces of Light January 7, 2013

    Hear hear! I completely agree with you in this category – it’s important always to be thankful for what we already have.

    Hope you’re having a wonderful start to your new year!



    • Kasia January 8, 2013

      A wonderful year of continued travel, inspiration and gratitude, Milla!

  2. TN January 7, 2013

    Great post Kasia!
    Bonne Année

    • Kasia January 8, 2013

      Thanks Tanya! Sometimes we forget the simplest of pleasures in life, which often mean the most. Happy 2013!

  3. Loulou in France January 7, 2013

    A beautifully written post and I think what you’ve said is perfectly true. I look forward to writing (and definitely re-writing) the chapters to come as well.
    Bonne Année!

    • Kasia January 8, 2013

      Merci and all the best to you in the new year!

      It’s empowering to realize that we are the authors of our lives. Will be eagerly reading your next chapters…

  4. Karin P January 7, 2013

    Lovely, Kasia, and oh so true on the gratitude part. I’ve been having a hard time coming off of a very challenging year, and it flows into this new one, too. It’s not been easy. I’m finding that the secret to keeping my chin up and not giving in to despairing and negative thinking is to spend time being grateful for all that I do already have. It really does make a huge difference!

    I’m glad that stepping away to Florida (and what a contrast to Paris life!) has given you a renewed perspective to carry forward into 2013.

    Thanks for sharing here so that we can be reminded we are indeed writing the story of our life and how we respond to the present impacts where we go in the next chapter!

    Happy New Year, Kasia. 🙂

    • Kasia January 8, 2013

      Try to stay focused on all the good in your life (even though now it may not seem so easy) and more will come in the days ahead. The energy of gratitude is powerful and will lead you to a better place. May 2013 be a happier one for you, Karin!

  5. Andi January 7, 2013

    I couldn’t agree more and bravo! Shedding that weight must feel incredible. And speaking of incredible, I was so touched by your postcard – it meant so much! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

    • Kasia January 8, 2013

      It certainly does feel lighter not living with a ‘to do’ list looming over my head. In turn, I feel much more productive.

      Was happy to share thoughts (and Paris) with you, off line 🙂

  6. Carina January 8, 2013

    Well said. So much focus is in the wrong direction with resolutions. Moving it to look at what is already good and making us happy brings a positive energy that feeds into more positive energy. Looking at what is around us and the people that are there alongside us, is the fuel for all good things to come.

  7. bellandainparis January 8, 2013

    Thank you for yet another great post, Kasia. Wishing you a wonderful 2013… I look forward to seeing how you fill those pages in your book. 🙂


  8. Lindsey January 8, 2013

    Beautifully articulated, Kasia! I’m thankful for you and all your support in 2012. May 2013 blanket you and G in continued happiness!

    • Kasia January 16, 2013

      Thanks Lindsey! All the best to you and your Frenchman in 2013! Happy and grateful to share this journey with you!

  9. Paris Paul P January 13, 2013

    Looking forward to reading about the upcoming chapters in your life! Thanks for the sunny perspective.

    • Kasia January 16, 2013

      Always trying to find the sun, even amidst a gray sky! 😉

  10. Susan January 16, 2013

    Beautiful sentiment Kasia, happy 2013!

    • Kasia January 16, 2013

      Wishing you another year filled with happiness too, Susan!

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