Barca by night

Walking around Barcelona during the day is an experience in architecture, namely Gaudí, but by night the city takes on quite a different persona, particularly in the neighborhoods we chose to explore, El Born and Barrio Gotico. Bars and shops would close in the night (as well as much of the early afternoon) and the streets were filled with metal doors often advertising what lies on the other side. It felt as though we were walking through an outdoor gallery only visible to the night crawlers.

Just the right mix of shabby and chic.

Would I buy fruits and vegetables here?

I can only imagine what’s for sale behind these doors…

Pasta anyone?

My adventurous side is intrigued.

Next time I will return during open hours to discover the truth behind these doors.

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  1. ParisienSalon January 13, 2012

    It’s like an outdoor art gallery combined with a tantalizing tease. Another reason to love Barcelona!

    • Kasia January 14, 2012

      I don’t remember seeing such interesting ‘organized’ art and graffiti in other cities… I was very impressed with the creativity.

  2. Kate January 14, 2012

    So beautiful! I would shop at that fruit and vegetable stand any day.

    • Kasia January 14, 2012

      I remember walking around these neighborhoods on our last day and noticing some of the shops open, though somehow I prefer ‘the dark side’.

  3. Sweet Freak January 14, 2012

    Night crawling art – I love it!

  4. Andi January 14, 2012

    Fun! I love taking photos of signs and wall drawings – they tell the real cultural story 🙂

  5. StyleOnTheCouch January 15, 2012

    Gosh there is a lot of art in unexpected places in Barcelona it seems! Did you feel like you were walking around an art gallery? Of course I am not also wondering about what is behind those doors ….

    • Kasia January 18, 2012

      Yes, it very much felt like city became an art gallery once the lights went off.

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