highs and lows

In light of all the silent suffering going on in the world, I have a few thoughts to share in hopes that those reading my blog, on which I choose to focus on the lighter side of life, and other social media platforms which appear to paint such a ‘perfect picture’, understand that we are all connected by the same thread. And this grand tapestry of life is filled with holes, some better patched than others. Some not at all obvious. Some in need of a little, or a lot of mending.

As much as I can’t accept why people who seemingly have everything (family, fame, success, relationships, fulfillment…) choose to end their lives, I can actually understand how they feel, or rather, felt. Maybe many of us can.  Personally, I’ve experienced tough moments in life where I’ve felt very much alone, disconnected from life so to speak. Desperate to feel whole. Why? Who knows where it comes from. There were nights in New York, in between those filled with friends and frivolity, that I would walk around my neighborhood, look up at the skyscrapers and think of how insignificant we all were. I’d wonder,  could no one else feel this? Some of these sad days would last for weeks and eventually I would reach out to friends or family and continue on my way.

As low as I sometimes felt, I knew life was worth fighting for, even if simply for the sake of a better day. It helps that I’m an optimist and choose to search for the beauty in the world. Even when it felt like there wasn’t any.

Now, when I walk around Paris and notice a face with downcast eyes, I offer an understanding smile, an attempt to let them know that it will be okay. If only we could all do that, smile at one another, it can’t hurt. Life is filled with highs and lows, suffering to different degrees is universal, and we must do whatever we need to fight for the highs. And most importantly, know that there are many out there who understand.

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  1. Daniella June 9, 2018

    Kasia, concise and eloquent as always.
    April 19, 2000, a dark day for me.
    Even with family and friends I couldn’t bear to share my pain and fears .
    Neimann Marcus of all places, walking aimlessly not finding any pleasure in looking at beautiful “things”.
    Going DOWN the escalator, a woman going Up the escalator at the same moment, looked at me, right at me, thru me and gave a smile, a warm, soft knowing smile that to this day brings me to tears and changed my life. A smile I needed at that moment, I am forever grateful for this woman her simple act of kindness…you never know what a smile or any kind act can do for another…

    • Kasia June 10, 2018

      Thank you for sharing your own story, Daniella. I feel so blessed to know such a beautiful soul! Big hugs!!

  2. Kathryn June 9, 2018

    Well said!

    • Kasia June 10, 2018

      Thanks so much, Kathryn!

  3. Cheri June 9, 2018

    Thanks for your bit of wisdom, a simple gesture of kindness can do so much for us all.

    • Kasia June 10, 2018

      Yes. It can take so little to bring someone immense joy.

  4. Bellanda June 11, 2018

    Beautiful, Kasia… ❤

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