in remembrance

Today, like so many around the world, I pay tribute to New York City. To the 2,976 lives lost and those forever changed by loss. Ten years have passed since that fateful day. One which will never be forgotten. Like so many others, I looked up towards an ash filled sky, in disbelief, over a city filled with promise, hope and freedom. In that instant all had changed. Today I remember, along with the French, at a real time commemoration at Place du Trocadéro.

As the touching tribute concluded, gray skies turned to blue and the sun shone. In honor.

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  1. Susan September 11, 2011

    Beautifully said Kasia…hard to believe it has been ten years.

  2. StyleOnTheCouch September 12, 2011

    Having seen the tragedy unfold in the UK ten years ago, it felt very strange to be in New York this year. New York Fashion Week continued as usual, but there was a sombre mood, a definite nod to the victims of the events, and hope for the future.

  3. Paris Paul September 12, 2011

    Beautiful juxtaposition of the skyline and the temporary towers at Trocadero. Thanks so much for sharing, Kasia.

  4. Hi Kasia — I’ve had this post open on a tab for a few days now with the intent to comment, and here I am. Thank you for sharing your photos of the city skyline and the memorial tribute at Trocadéro. There is a part of me that just does not want to even think back to 2001, a complex, complicated year/anniversary for me personally, and of course corporately with other Americans and those worldwide who were impacted by the events on 9-11. But here we are, 10 years later. Hard to believe…

    Like Paul wrote, I appreciate the juxtaposition of the two photos, and also your taking time to post a tribute of your own. Thank you. 🙂

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