lights. camera. action.


Yesterday my Italian and I spent a hot summer day surrounded by lights and optical illusions at the Grand Palais. Light and motion in 20th Century art. What a unique and dynamic expo, aptly named Dynamo. Needless to say, we left illuminated! Following are some of those enlightened moments…

IMG_6866 IMG_6880 IMG_6885 IMG_6899 IMG_6902 IMG_6907 2 IMG_6915 IMG_6925 IMG_6959 IMG_6967 IMG_6985 IMG_6992 IMG_7002 IMG_7005 IMG_7021

For those in Paris, hurry, last day is July 22nd!

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1 Comment

  1. susan July 23, 2013

    Such a cool exhibit…fun videos of you both 😉

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