lights of broadway

Tonight I experienced the lights of Broadway. High up in the sky over the Eiffel Tower. Fireworks synchronized to famous show tunes such as ‘Memory’, ‘Don’t Cry for Me Argentina’, and of course ‘New York, New York’. I am not a huge Broadway fan, but within these spectacular 30 minutes, I felt nostalgic. And utterly in awe. Amidst the 1 million spectators, I had a New York moment, in Paris.



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  1. Risamay July 15, 2011

    And what a spectacular moment it was!

  2. Lindsey July 15, 2011

    Very cool to be there! I actually loved the “Memories” sequence!

  3. Susan July 15, 2011

    WOW. I need to be in Paris for Bastille Day…that tops the twinkling alone, whew! Thank you for sharing!

  4. Sweet Freak July 18, 2011

    That sounds like one night to remember!

  5. Samantha Verant July 22, 2011

    So. Cool. Things weren’t nearly this exciting in Cugnaux.

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