like father like daughter

Dad and KasiaThere is something uniquely special about the relationship between a father and a daughter. When I was merely five years old I asked my mom in a state of panic, “You married Dad, so now who will I marry?”. Yes, I was in love with my father. And rightfully so, as he was a special man. Gentle in nature, strong in character, handsome in visage, filled with personality and witty beyond words. Unfortunately, our time together was short, and at the age of fifteen he passed away due to illness. I often wonder how my life would have evolved with his support and influence, considering we shared many of the same dreams and visions of life. And continue to.


Though he is not with me in the physical sense, I continue to feel my father’s presence. During my many months of travel I knew he was there, and felt safe. When I serendipitously met my Italian I knew my dad was behind the scenes, silently directing my path. And now, I am living a life between France and Italy, his two favorite places on earth. Perhaps I am fulfilling his dreams, as I fulfill my own. After all, it is what he has taught me, to always follow my heart and believe in myself, that has led me on this journey. For this life, to my father, I am grateful.

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  1. Danielle June 16, 2013

    What a beautiful reflection, Kasia. I’m sure he’s grateful for the life you’re living, too.

    • Kasia June 26, 2013

      Thank you Danielle! I really do believe I’m living his dreams as well as my own.

  2. Paris Paul June 16, 2013

    Such a moving post. How reassuring it is to know that those we love continue to live on through us and our lives. My Father’s Day just got a little happier.

    • Kasia June 26, 2013

      One day your kids too, will think of all that you have inspired in them.

  3. susan June 17, 2013

    So touching Kasia…I know your Dad’s illness and passing must affect your life greatly. I am also a “daddy’s girl”, and wanted to marry my Dad!

    • Kasia June 26, 2013

      Thanks Susan, I miss him every day.

      How funny we are to want to marry our fathers! I’m sure your husband has many of your dad’s qualities too!

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