love in a day

Today marks my anniversary of love. Not the day I met this handsome man so serendipitously on the street, nor the day I arrived to Paris to begin this grand adventure, but the day somewhere inbetween when we both knew our childhood dreams of love had finally been realized. I remember it all so well. The soundtrack to these defining days includes the Cinderella Opera at Lincoln Center followed by a live performance by my most revered blues singer Etta James. At Last! Can it get any more romantic than that? Most of all I remember the words spoken and the feelings shared. The promise of forever, a word that should never be taken lightly, nor ever taken for granted. 

I think about all the days leading towards this one. The act of falling in love, the many  steps along the way, most taken without hesitation or looking back. When something, in the form of someone, feels so natural it is impossible to walk away. In my experience, as the romantic that I am, you must simply allow yourself to be taken, confidant that the who is much more relevant than the how, where and why. The when becomes the day you look back upon and smile, knowing there was no other path.

Love cannot be summed up in a day, or even in a lifetime. Each day should be uniquely cherished and celebrated. How the years will unfold remains a mystery, which days will stand apart from others, making their mark upon the calendar of our lives. Regardless, May 7th will always be our day.

Everyone has their own unique story. Some have yet to experience it (my advice: enjoy the journey until that day finds you). For those willing to tell, which day most symbolizes love for you? (No, Valentine’s Day does not count.)

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  1. Andi May 7, 2010

    Joyeaux anniversaire! I too am in love with Paris. For me June 14th is the day that symbolizes love. I was going through a tough time post-divorce; in a stressful, energy-sucking project at work and going through a massive change to turn my completely negative outlook on life upside via sheer self-determination. My husband who I just started dating at that time turned to me and said, “You are okay.” That one statement rocked my world and changed my life forever. I fell in love with myself and it sealed the deal with my husband as well!

    • Kasia May 8, 2010

      Beautiful, Andi! Falling in love with yourself is truly the key to allowing someone else to fall in love with you. How apropos! This is a day to remember.

  2. Marlys May 7, 2010

    Oh wow, to the tune of At Last by Etta James ! Romantic indeed. How can one forget that day? *Sigh* For me and my sweetheart of a husband, the day we got together is the day we celebrate as our “wedding anniversary”, July 4. The day we made it official (documents and all) is a secondary anniversary. We count the years we’ve been together (27 years) from the year we decided to live and share our future together. We hope to grow old together!

    • Kasia May 8, 2010

      WOW! Congratulations on 27 years!! Many more to come I’m sure. I love that the day you got together symbolizes your anniversary. Much more intimate than a wedding/commitment ceremony, which symbolizes a more formal profession of love. Both special and reason to celebrate!

  3. kate s. May 10, 2010

    Hi Old Friend,
    June 28th and January 9th. The days my two beautiful girls were born. I remember getting a birthday card from my mom while I was pregnant in which she wrote “There is no love like that of a mother’s.” At the time I thought it was a slighted comment in reference to our troubled relationship. Needless to say when I held Olivia for the first time alone I don’t believe I ever cried so hard. I cried because for the first time in my life I felt a love so pure. I cried because what my mother wrote, regardless of its context, was perfectly true and it finally gave me perspective. It was a shocking how much love poured out of me as I gazed at her cherub face. And it seemed impossible that there could be as much love for Julia when she arrived. But it did. There is no love like a mother’s.

    • Kasia May 12, 2010

      I’m very happy to hear from you! Beautiful, soulful words. I don’t yet know what it feels like to love with a mother’s heart, but one day I hope to. I agree with you, love between a mother and child is the most pure love on earth.

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