playtime at palais-royal

I first met Susan of Fleurishing over brunch in Paris, almost one year ago. I had been reading her design and lifestyle blog for years prior, and was so pleased to finally meet in person! Being a devoted francophile, and now the mother of twins (who I have been slightly obsessed with via Susan’s instagram feed), this year Susan planned a trip with her entire family, little Marie and Henry included! Not sure if I was more excited to see her again and meet Mr. Fleurishing, or get to play and cuddle with the twins. Let’s say, both. We met at Palais-Royal, and it was love at first sight, at least for me. Here’s a little impromptu photoshoot, the twins dressed all in Gap kids. What good sports they were!

IMG_8866 IMG_8872 IMG_8874 IMG_8877  Honestly, I couldn’t stop running around with these kids, such fun, and so much energy!

HenryMarieSusan and her husband are truly blessed with these darlings! I look forward to the day when I will be running around Palais-Royal chasing my own little creation… or two.

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1 Comment

  1. susan / fleurishing May 19, 2015

    It was so good to see you my sweet friend! The kids LOVED you, and had so much fun. You’re so sweet to share…hopefully it won’t be too long before we see you again. Who knows?! You could be chasing around your own littles by then! You’re going to be an amazing mama. xoxo

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