There are few places in the world as captivating as the quays along Paris’s river Seine, especially in the springtime, but any season proves ethereal. At least for this adopted local. Having been off-limits for the past two months due to the pandemic, it’s no wonder so many Parisians flocked to this pedestrian-only kilometers long expanse on our first weekend of deconfinement, or what I call the return to freedom.

While the sun continues to shine brightly as a reminder that summer is just around the corner, what now? Are Parisians behaving responsibly given their privilege of freedom? From what I could tell, spending Saturday afternoon biking along the river and Sunday evening snapping these photos, adults and kids alike are soaking up social contact. Half of those I passed were wearing masks, and almost everyone was respectful of space, remaining in small groups at a safe distance from one another. In other parts of the city, I’m not so sure.

What I hope we all understand, and by all I mean, EVERYONE EVERYWHERE is that just because we are allowed outside and shops are open again, with schools to follow and restaurants soon after, COVID-19 is far from over.

By now we all know someone afflicted with this deadly virus, and none of us are completely safe until a proven vaccine is developed. In order for life to continue safely for all us, please be mindful of each other. Wear a mask, continue to socially distance, and do what you can to help those more vulnerable.

Life will return to normal in time. We’ll all be able to travel beyond our homes, dine with friends at favorite eateries, fly to exotic locales, hug and offer bises freely… and this chapter will feel like a bad dream. But until then, let’s respect the ‘new normal’ and keep ourselves and those around us safe.
Thank you for this article. I was supposed to be in Paris tomorrow but have to enjoy it from pictures like these. 🙁
Sorry you aren’t able to visit! Hopefully sooner than later!